Sunday, July 23, 2006

Good intentions

I have good intentions of posting then it goes to the wayside. I haven't been making very exciting meals this week so I haven't posted about them.
On Thursday I did finally try out a new roast recipe. I read it on another food blog and thought it would be interesting. You take a roast and put it in your crock pot, pour in a 12 oz can of Coke, a package of onion soup mix, set it to low for 6-8 hours and you are done. You could also add onions, potatoes, and carrots if you wanted. It turned out so good!! My Mom has occasional made a roast with coffee in it and this had a similar taste to it. That works out good for me because we don't drink coffee so I never make a coffee roast. Now I can get the same flavor with a Coke. The drippings make a great gravy.

I had intended to make real mashed potatoes with it but when I peeled the potatoes I had just bought at the store they had bad bruises and were black in the middle..YUCK! I ended up making instant which were ok.

My garden in doing great!! In fact, I should be outside pulling weeds and picking it instead of posting right now. I think I'm finally going to have enough peas for dinner tonight. I also have 2 squash I need to pick. I'm sure there is enough lettuce grown again to cut. The lettuce seems to be my best crop. I have been eating more salads and lettuce on my sandwiches since all I have to do is walk out the door to get it. One day last week, I pulled all the radishes. The had gotten hard and not very good so it was time for them to go. The tomato plants and okra aren't doing very well. Neal needs to work on them more.

Guess I had better get out to the garden..................

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