Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I know, it's been 5 days since I posted...

We went to Neal's CT scan and blood work appointments Friday and were told that the doctor would receive the results Monday. On Monday the doctor's office called and wanted him to make an appointment. They would not give us any information over the phone. We don't know what it's about and Neal and I are both stressing. My healthy eating has gone out the window. I made fudge brownies tonight!! Ok, it could be PMS too but combine PMS and stress and I need CHOCOLATE!!!
I really need to get back to my healthy eating and making menus. I come home at night with no idea what we will have for dinner. After making menus for a few months it's kind of a weird feeling. Tonight I threw together turkey meatballs with mushroom gravy, rice, and broccoli. It was quite good if I say so myself.
Forgot to add that Neal's appointment is Thursday afternoon. I will try to update when we find out something!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there we are praying and thinking of all of you. Let me know. Love Mama

Anonymous said...

I have Neal on my prayer list and I have been praying for him and your family everyday. I will especially be in pray on Thursday for you and Neal.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

I Peter 5:6,7